Cubie wants to do some good:
Over the duration of the conflict in Ukraine, Cubie's creator has seen quite a few grifters and scams. He doesn't want there to be any room for impropriety. So he went ahead and made an official non-profit in his home country of Canada.
It is Cubie's creator's hope that with this we can keep things above board and dispel any notion of impropriety in the Cubie community.

What's the cost breakdown?
Taxes and shipping: You know the drill. Government wants its cut and we have to get it to you.
Profit: The portion from each item we sell that will get donated to legitimate and worthy Ukrainian causes.
Set Up Cost: Founding a non-profit, setting up an eCommerce Website, hiring an accountant aren't free folks. They cost money and time. Cubie's creator would like to recover that cost in money and time.
Item Cost: This is what a t-shirt, sticker, patch etc... physically costs to buy and get shipped.
Which Causes will Cubie Support?
RAFFLE #1: 08/03/2024
Money Raised: $166.17 USD
Anti-Drone for SOF and 14 NGU Brigade
Cubie's first Raffle raised 166.17 USD for this worthy anti-drone capability.

DONATION #1: 13/03/2024
Money Raised: $335 USD
UNITED 24: Sea Baby
Cubie has decided to support the Fellas by donating to the Sea Baby Project. We were able to donate 451 CAD/355 USD this month with the proceeds of the merch sales! Thank you to everyone who ordered!